Development Partner

In collaboration with clinicians we identify unmet medical needs and evaluate potential solutions to improve medical care. Based on our platform technologies we develop new treatments, also in collaboration with leading scientists in academia and industry around the world.

Marketing Partner

Clinical relevance and commercial feasibility are key to our technologies. During discovery regulatory directives and healthcare economics are evaluated . And for market access we out-license our technologies to partners commited to be best-in-class.

Financial Partner

As lead investors we also offer financial participation in our developments. Key criteria for financial partnerships include experience with platform and enabling technologies as well as in the healthcare industry. At CIS Pharma we have a track record of achieving high success rates in our technology developments.


Dr. Doris Schäfer, CFO

In the pharmaceutical industry innovations are established by teams of experts in different areas. CIS Pharma has established a network of partners to develop and bring to market improved medical treatments. We invite you to discuss with us a collaboration, to participate with your scientific expertise, market access and/or financial ressources.